Every year I try to win a Super Bowl trip, like many….and there are a good amount out there. I had basically given up hope this year but a call on the Thursday before the big game, changed all that.
I was just finishing up the newsletter, when I got a call. It is rare enough that you get calls for wins…as most come by email now-a-days. They said I might be a winner, took down all my information and would get back to me. I frantically looked for the sweepstakes to read the rules, make sure I was eligible and see what it included as some of the SB Sweeps were just for tickets.
The next day, I was officially named the winner, flights and hotel were booked and I would be leaving in a week.
Atlanta was very crowded for the game, more crowded than I remember Houston or New Orleans being. We attended the NFL experience at our expense and enjoyed a nice dinner on Saturday, after our Friday arrival.
Sunday was all about the game and was able to purchase some tailgate passes and hang out with other iWIN winners that had won their trip.
To me, I enjoyed the game and being there and saw the Patriots win again. I made a new goal of going to a Super Bowl the Patriots didn’t play in.
The Super Bowl will always be one of those events that are just fun to be at.
- Aloe Black performs at the tailgate party
- Live at super bowl 53
- Maroon 5 halftime show
- Patriots win again